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From Body Expression to Authentic Movement using creative, meditative dancing.

A guided tour in discovery, a game of creativity using movement, color, shape, sound ... and what ties them together. We listen, observe and become more aware of rhythms, emotions ... fears, points of weakness and of strength.    

A group experience with individual expression, going from music to silence, stripping down every movement "danced" and studying them so we can find the rhythm of our deep, "authentic" being.   

An evolutionary process, an experience of harmony, unity and peace. 

"it is necessary that form can speak to the soul" (Kandinsky)

so if form can to speak to the soul it needs a creative process for expressing the needs of the soul and a human being who entering into himself can perceiving an emotion, express it and translate it into an "artistic" expressive language 

( pictorial-plastic , choreutic, musical, vocal, poetic, recitative ...)

A creative act transforms and transcends into an act of unity


By listening and translating what is grasped from an expressive act, gives us the opportunity to enter a "cathartic" dimension.

A sacred act, in a meditative space, is first and foremost therapeutic.

The evolutionary process is in fact an inner process that starts it's journey, so to speak, by freeing and cleaning that which weighs down our soul. It recognizes, accepts, transforms, where shadow and light  or pain and pleasure meet and integrates them. It unveils true authentic beauty and enters into a state of equilibrium between unity and peace.

It then offers this beauty to the beholder, who enters this work of art, attracted and captured by its essence, vibrating at the same frequency, An  "initiatory" experience which divinely takes part and divides itself into the human evolutionary process.  

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