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She believes in a social alternative based on community living, self-sufficiency, ecology, sustainability. 

Interested in the life of ecovillages , she starts to organize meetings in this sector,  trying to spread the culture and put in contact talented people who can develop their potential through a common purpose. She builds contacts with many communities in Italy waiting for the occasion to realize her own eco-sustainable community .


These interests led her to the vision of Gandhi and Vinoba .

and she travelled to India to make 2 documentaries: 

"SHANTI SENA" (visible on DVD) 

the ashram for women founded by Vinoba Bahve which was shot in India at Brahma Vidya Mandir .

"SHANTI SEVA" (in progress) 

Since 1981 she has organized meetings, seminars, groups and individual paths for rebalancing people so as to promote inner growth , increasing the relationship with oneself, the environment and others, using several techniques elaborated and integrated over the years which concentrate on creativity , care and awareness.

* yoga

* natural health consultations and treatments

* expressive research and inner evolution

Motion theater performer. (see on you tube) 

President of the association "to live in the Here and Now".

Responsible for Omgarden


Text +39 3479761106

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Marilina Razzi

Born in Milan in 1960, she followed her basic studies, graduated in 1978 from Brera -Milazzo art school and then in 1985 from the Institute of physical education in Milan where she qualified as a Secondary School Physical Education Teacher.

Whilst working as a supply teacher and occasionally on extracurriculum projects she started  to study psychocorporal therapy following several seminars:


*Yoga Seminars

1979-81 with Franca Sacchi (student of Swami Satyananda Saraswati )

1980-88 with Carla Cincinnaticini Sgroi (pupil of Gerard Blitz)

Follows the IIRY Training School (International Institute of Yoga Research)

1988-92 follows the FEY Yoga training school "between Science and Tradition"

with Carlos Fiel ; Here she met with other masters in Europe and India.


* Omchanting

* Mindfulness

Seminars related to movement, dance, and theater,

beeing used as a tool for inner exploration / growth,

psychophysical-spiritual integration, relationship and harmonization:

1980 Psychomotricity Course  - Milan Council

1981 Mime and Theater (Arsenale di Milano)

1979-81 Body Expression With Ambra Svanini

1979-85 Dance: Jazz with Franca della Libera and Piera Principe

Contemporary with Franco Raffo , Elisabetta Colace , Luisa Casiraghi

With F. and D. Dupuy ; Choreographic composition workshop with Josè Montalvo ( Ita and Fr)

1980 Movement and Voice with Roy Hart Theater (Italy and France)

1979-81 Sacred Dance and Authentic Movement

Since 1988 Dance Therapy: stages with APID teachers ;

with Anna Halprin ( Tamalpa Institute of Calefornia );

with Herns Duplan ( Primitive Expressions);

with Joyce Dijistra (sacred meditative dances) / Training: Dances of Universal Values, 

Bach flower dance training.

In 1983 she became interested in Natural Health Systems, 

Natural nutrition, Bach flower remedies, Aromatherapy, Energy massage:  

( Shatsu- Ayurvedic- Plantar Reflexology- Craniosacral Balancing ,

and was trained as a Reiki Master (at the Yogi Vision Foundation ( Puna- India)

From 1981 to 2000 she worked as an animator with numerous activities, 

including coordination and training of staff in Italian Tourist Villages.

In 1991 she founded the association "to live in the Here and Now" (see statute),   

with headquarters and center in Milan.

In 2001 she closed the center in Milan and in 2003 she founded Omgarden , the new headquarters of the association, where she actually lives. Omgarden offers the opportunity to people for short stays to regenerate, research, live and be conscious of common growth. 

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