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Philosophy and Lifestyle

Research- Listening- Awareness.

It draws on the words of the wise, of the masters of all times and cultures,

propagating an expansion of consciousness.

Founded on yoga over 40 years ago, it is based on Raja Yoga, on Patanjali's aphorisms , combined with a holistic search for being and a deep contact with nature, which leads to an experience of silence.   

Those who come to omgarden are taught to listen to themselves in the "here and now" (which is talked about so much today).

The daily lifestyle is characterized by  simple exploration

and balance between care, creativity and awareness,

in relationship with oneself, the environment, and others.

Living together is definitely a great opportunity and a great challenge.

If the common intention is clear, if one remains in constant self- observation ,

and follows practices that progressively lead to a state of balance and peace. .. then day by day we get more involved, and we are more willing to work without judgment, of our conditionings, our wounds, our resistances,

"The conditions are created for change to prevail." 

The ego gradually dissolves, awareness expands, relationships become more harmonious in mutual recognition, they become synergistic, creative, cooperative. We start living in a state of unity with ourselves and therefore of unity with nature, and with others.    

Non-violence " ahimsa ", is one of the points underlying the philosophy of life and research in omgarden. This also means treating all living things including insects with respect and love. (be aware of our reactive instincts)    

try to "refrain and observe". 


phrase attributed to Gandhi, used and abused, for us it is a symbol of a real experience, of a shared experience with the sisters and brothers of the Brahma Vidya Mandir ( Paunar India)

see the video " Shanti Sena"

They are still today teachers and solid examples of life and bearers of high ideals.

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